Top Ad

At the top of every ad listing page, several spots are reserved for Top Ads. By adding a Top Ad promotion to your ad, you earn the chance to display your ad in one of these Top Ad spots – which can get you up to 10 times or more views!
Top Ads stand out – they are bigger than regular ads, highlighted in Red, and marked “Top Ad”.
Each Top Ad is given an equal chance of being displayed in the Top Ad slots. This means thousands of extra appearances for each Top Ad daily for the duration of the promotion.

In addition to being displayed in the Top Ad slots, your ad is also posted as a regular ad.

Featured Ad

Want to sell urgently? Apply the Featured promotion to communicate your urgency to buyers who are looking for a great deal!

Features ads are highlighted with a bright red marker on the ad.
Combine this promotion with a Top Ad or Bump Up to ensure your ad stays on top of regular listings and gets up to 10 times more views.

Bump Up Ad

Apply the Bump Up promotion to bump your ad to the top and get up to 20 times more views as compared to regular ads!

Bumped Up ads are displayed at the top of the regular ad listings once a day, and move down the page as new ads are posted.
This process repeats daily for the duration of the promotion.